My Voice Music students and staff with Bibi McGill (Guitarist for Beyonce, Pink and more!) at MVM’s 3rd Anniversary Celebration!
2011 ANNUAL REPORT IS OUT – Learn how your support is making a huge differance in the lives of youth! Click the link to download the full report: 2011 Annual Report
Important Stats!
Worked with 550 youth teaching them to play music, sing, perform, write their own songs and record;
Recorded more than 350 original songs written by our students;
Released Our First Student Compilation CD, “Today Is A New Day” with introductions by Mayor Sam Adams, Storm Large, Dave Dahl, Bibi McGill and many others;
Hired two part time Program Instructors;
Organized 22 student concerts;
Brought 25 music programs to 15 local youth organizations that previously had no programs; and
Launched a year-round Music Mentorship program serving five youth;
Our Executive Director, Ian Mouser, was awarded a 2011 Skidmore Prize for outstanding non-profit leadership.
Who We Served:
260 youth in mental health Treatment Programs;
40 children living in foster care;
20 homeless and transitional youth;
25 youth by private referral;
20 youth attending alternative schools;
145 youth in public schools; and
35 youth experiencing other circumstances.
Financials & Support:
We raised over $130,000 in support including; $63,000 in cash, and $69,000 of in-kind donations.
Significant Corporate Sponsors: Regence BlueCross Blueshield of Oregon, Radio Room, Bheestie, Parsons Farnell & Grein, LLP, Waggener Edstrom, KZME, Portland Music Company, Caffe Mingo, Lakeside Industries
Visit our Donor page to view a list of all of great supporters!
We had over 60 amazing volunteers who helped us run programs and events, served on committees and much more!
Oregon Music News Featured Article (Voted one of OMN’s best stories of 2011)