“Music is a way of expressing myself, whether it’s playing it or listening to it. No matter what happens in life, a song that I love isn’t going to change or leave. It’s something that is constant. And I need that in my constantly inconstant life.” 

- Amber, MVM participant

“Thank you! You made one of my dreams come true. I am so passionate about my music. I just want people to hear the message that I am trying to send and you made that possible. I can truly say, I would not be the man I am today without My Voice Music. Thank you so much.”

- Christian, MVM participant

“I love how much room My Voice Music gives you to discover your own style of music. I think that music is a great way to express yourself and its nice to be able to create MY MUSIC with a positive push behind me.”

 Dammon, MVM participant

“This is the coolest thing I have ever been a part of! Music is seriously my life.  Thank you for coming here and taking the time to teach me.”

 - Anonymous MVM participant at local treatment tenter

“If it wasn’t for My Voice Music, I would not be able to express myself in this way. I love music. I use it everyday to cope and stay calm.”  

- Anonymous MVM participant at local treatment center

“Two words – Ha…ppy!  When I am on stage it feels like I am living the dream!” 

- Kenny, MVM participant through Friends of the Children