Students performing at Holocene in December 2018. Photo: Jason Quigley
MVM’S fall classes start on October 14th! We offer sliding scale music classes for youth of all ages (from 9-24) and all skill levels. Classes cover songwriting, recording, and culminate in a final live performance at Holocene December 15th. With a focus on musical and personal development, classes are a great way for kids to build confidence and social skills while developing their love of music!
All classes take place at MVM Studios (3520 SE Yamhill St, Portland, OR 97214) on weekday afternoon/ evenings. Classes are listed at a requested enrollment price, but always available at a sliding scale. Contact us with questions.
No class the week of November 25th.
Pre-AMP Jr. is a weekly mentorship program for students (ages 9-11) with, or without, previous musical experience. Participants collaborate, write, record, and jam with peers and professional musicians. This is the class for students with limited musical experience, such as those who have attended a MVM Rock Camp or two, as well as those between ages 9-11 who have been with MVM for multiple sessions.
Dates: Two Sessions, Mondays, Oct 14-Dec 9 & Thursdays, Oct 17-Dec 12
Time: 4:30-6:00pm Mondays, 6:30-8:00pm Thursdays
Cost: $200*
Pre-AMP is a weekly class for students (ages 12-14) with, or without, previous musical experience. Participants collaborate, write, record, and jam with peers and professional musicians. If your student can play eight or more chords, strum in rhythm with others, or play multiple drum beats consistently, they are a good candidate for Pre-AMP.
Dates: Mondays, Oct 14- Dec 9
Time: 6:30-8:00 pm
Cost: $200*
In AMP participants meet weekly with other high school-aged students age 14 – 18 to collaborate, write, record, and explore musical concepts. Led by professional musicians, sessions include rehearsals for upcoming performances, recording and writing accompaniment parts for a new song written by a fellow student, and jam sessions. AMP students will also receive up to 4 hours of individual recording time at MVM Studios for each quarter of instruction.
**Students must complete an interview and audition with instructors in order to enroll in the class. Please email for more information.**
Dates: Mondays, Oct 14-Dec 9 & Tuesdays, Oct 15-Dec 10
Times: 4:30-6:00pm (Mondays), 6:00-8:00pm (Tuesdays)
Cost: $200* (Mondays), $240* (Tuesdays)
HIP-HOP LAB FALL 2019- ages 14-18
A hands-on class where youth (ages 14-18) have the opportunity to learn how to make beats, write and record, and freestyle. Students will work alongside local musicians in order to achieve their artist and musical goals.
Dates: Fridays, Oct 18-Dec 13
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Cost: $240
This program is for young adults (ages 18-24) to explore their artistic development. Participants meet weekly to collaborate, write, record, and explore musical concepts with peers and professional working musicians. Weekly sessions include rehearsals for upcoming performances, recording, songwriting, and jam sessions. Work on your album on your own, or collaborate with other students and staff!
Dates: Wednesdays, Oct 16-Dec 11
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Cost: $240*
NEW! Open Studio for Middle and High School Students
My Voice Music now offers after school Open Studio, time for youth (ages 12-18) to independently explore music at our studio.
Dates/ Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-6pm
Drop in. No pre-registration necessary
This is chance for young rockers who want to form their own band to book weekly sessions with an experienced instructor. Reach out to Studio Director Luke Hall (
Cost: $160 a month (four sessions, once per week). Includes one hour of recording time, to be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time.
*PLAY IT FORWARD: Your child’s program fee pays for a student who can’t afford one. All MVM programs are listed at a requested enrollment price, but always available at a sliding scale. Contact us with questions or to request a scholarship.
Take advantage of MVM’s studio and the expertise of our staff to record your songs in a professional creative space! Includes engineer.
When: By appointment & request
Cost: $250 per day / $40 per hour. Scholarships and sliding scale payments available as needed.