My Voice Music Seeks Executive Director

In October, 2021, MVM’s founder and Executive Director, Ian Mouser, died while pursuing a dream of cycling across the United States. Although this has been a very challenging time for the MVM community, Ian left the organization both highly stable and poised to realize major initiatives to expand MVM programs to new parts of the city and state. Over the last two years of the pandemic, MVM was able to maintain all program staff and funding to both realize new projects and shore up organizational stability.

After many months of thoughtful conversation and hard work by the MVM staff and board, we have come to a place where we are ready to hire for MVM’s new Executive Director.

MVM seeks a dynamic, collaborative and entrepreneurial leader to work in tandem with our staff and board to lead our organization into the future. The Executive Director will help us realize our plan to expand MVM programs across the state and open MVM Studios East, a custom-built recording studio that includes rehearsal rooms, workspaces, and a community gathering space.

We are so grateful to have all of you on this journey with us. Ian’s legacy will grow and change and adapt as we all keep learn to do so.

Please click the button below to view the complete job description and apply for the position.

My Voice Music