A Letter from MVM Executive Director Amy Sabin


As we get ready to transition from one year to the next, I am wrapping up my second month at My Voice Music. It’s been an absolute joy to start getting to know the team and community. I am so grateful to be part of an organization that is making such a positive impact on the lives of young people.


Over the past few months, I’ve started to experience the impact of our programs firsthand. One parent recently shared with me that MVM programs soothe anxiety and provide a sense of calm that doesn’t seem to be found anywhere else right now for their child. I heard another young person share that participating in a songwriting camp got them through the unimaginable and was “One of the best experiences of my life.”


These moments and others fuel me as we look to 2023 and the major work needed to grow this impact. Our biggest and most exciting challenges ahead were the dreams of our visionary founder, Ian: to take MVM state-wide through MVM across Oregon and to broaden our reach to underserved communities by opening MVM East. In the meantime, we will continue hosting MVM Studios programs and summer camps in our current facilities and MVM Satellite programs in local residential and juvenile detention centers.

There are large white pieces of paper hanging in our studio. On them are words written by youth participants at the beginning of each program term and camps at MVM Studios that define how they agree to show up for themselves and their MVM community. Here are some of their agreements:


Every time I see these papers, I can’t help but think: everyone needs to do this exercise. At a time when society feels less and less connected and seems to be less able to remember our common humanity, their words give me hope.  

If you can, please consider a gift to support our vital work creating transformative moments of human connection with young people through writing, recording, and performing music. If you give by midnight tonight, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation. 

Thank you for your support. 

Wishing you a peaceful conclusion to 2022 and plenty of opportunities to show up for yourself and your community in 2023.

Amy Sabin
Executive Director
My Voice Music

My Voice Music