MVM Rock Camp, 2019, Jason Quigley Photography

MVM Rock Camp, 2019, Jason Quigley Photography

Sending you a BIG thank you!

Your support in 2019 made it possible for us to rock out with over 1,350 youth (ages 8-24) in over 2,500 classes and recording sessions. With your help 970 of these youth were able to access our programs for free!

  •  615 young people participated in classes, camps and our new “Open Studios” after-school drop-in program at MVM Studios.

  • 740 participated in our outreach programs at residential facilities.

 Here are some student feedback from 2019: 

CONFIDENCE: 85% reported feeling better about themselves and handling whatever comes their way. 

“I love the community and how it taught me so much and helped me gain self-confidence.” 

COMMUNITY: 77% report feeling a stronger sense of community and feeling like they have something to contribute to that community.

  “[I like] the sense of community. Every kid is valuable and has a voice.” “I like being able to play with people I’m not usually around.” “I get to meet new friends and learn new instruments.”

CREATIVITY: 93% report that they enjoy music more and 90% report that they feel better at music.

 “The friendly people here help me create without being pressured. I appreciate you all with my heart.” 

Together we are building a community where confidence and creativity thrive. Stay tuned for our 2019 annual report!

Luke Hall