“Music allows [my daughter] to explain her soul – it helps her know that she has a voice and that she is understood so she can speak her pain and she can heal it.

My daughter has had to deal with circumstances, for which there is no explanation. I watched her in the Emergency Room tell me through pain and tears, ‘I cannot live like this anymore’. It tore my heart. I told her it would be okay though I wasn’t sure it would.

Since she joined My Voice Music’s groups, that look hasn’t been in her eyes. Music allows her to explain her soul, it helps her know that she has a voice and that she is understood so she can speak her pain and she can heal it. Through your mission and music, she has something to believe in again. So I had to say, thank you.”

 MVM Parent Therapeutic Outreach Groups

This quote is has been made anonymous since the subject the matter is so personal.  The song we included below is from a treatment center where we worked with several girls who were in the midst of healing from terrible events.  The song they chose to write was one that would inspire others.  They chose a chorus that starts with the words, “Today is a new day.”