My Voice Music - Amplifying young voices through music

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I’m absolutely thrilled to deepen my involvement with My Voice Music as the new Outreach & Program Coordinator. I’ve been a Program Leader/Music Teacher for My Voice since March 2014. I first heard about MVM from Albertina Kerr’s Volunteer Program Coordinator. After years of being a musician and teacher, I became interested in using music as an expressive and healing art, especially with youth struggling with mental and physical illnesses. During this time, I received a small “seed” grant from The Pollination Project to run a therapeutic music workshop for teens with illness. I approached My Voice to see if they were interested in aligning with my project and in turn, I was able to use their resources and community alliances. This was just the beginning of our relationship.

Soon after, I began working as a teacher in a variety of MVM programming. I realized rather quickly what a unique and progressive music school it is. In my opinion, as a teacher, there is nothing more vital than teaching a child or teenager how to hone, own, and use their creative voice in this world. My Voice implements music programs that help youth write songs and record with little or no musical experience. I have seen the power of youth creating on the spot and discovering their voice in many settings including Portland Public Schools, Caldera Summer Camps, MVM Rock Camps, Albertina Kerr Sub-Acute Center and Youth Villages to name a few. Through MVM, I’ve also taught songwriting workshops, private and group lessons, bilingual toddler music classes, workshops for Right Brain Initiative, and bucket drumming classes for PDX Pop Now.

With these broad and eclectic experiences, I have seen music shift the darkest of moods, uplift the most critical self-doubter or non-believer, and release raw emotions in a positive, productive way. I have seen the pride and self-confidence that youth experience after creating their own song. I have personally witnessed the power of music and self-expression through my work with My Voice Music and I’m excited to develop our programming to reach even more under-served youth in the community. Feel free to reach out and contact me with any comments, suggestions, or questions.


Monica Metzler

P.S.- Check out my newest solo album release under Moniker, “The Cruelest Month”: